Thursday, September 23, 2010

i'm frustrated. i graduate in december and have already plotted out a plan of action. take a year off before grad school to volunteer at the history center here or get an internship with them while i continue to work at lush and (try) to save up enough money for a new car and to get the hell out of here. my mother, however, has different plans for me altogether.

she doesn't seem to grasp the idea that i no longer wish to follow the path that they've laid out for me. i no longer want to live in the isolated little bubble that they seem to have so carefully dictated and constructed for me. i want to be my own person and even if i'm not making much money, i want to do what makes me happy and i don't want to settle for mediocrity.

i can't even discuss any of this with her because once i mention deviation from her plans, she acts like an insolent and sullen teenager and begins to pout and sulk and bitches until i lie and say what she wants to hear.

i need to win the lotto or something. shit.

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